Pipe Freezing Repair
Speedy Jet Plumbers offer pipe freezing repair services across London.
As expert plumbers in London, our services are ideal for quick isolation and repair of leaking pipes and pipework modification.
Call us on 0203 633 2424

Pipe Freezing Repair Service
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Pipe Freezing Services London
Pipe freezing also reduces the risk of internal pipe oxidation due to internal pipework being exposed to air and oxygen.
Pipe freezing also allows minor repairs and modifications to be carried out quickly.
If you live in a building with shared facilities or where stop-caps are either unavailable, hard to find or reach or otherwise inaccessible, pipe freezing is ideal. If your stop cock is in another flat or has been covered over or removed, pipe freezing can be ideal. We can also advise on your current sustem and add suitable stop valves for future use.
Quick and efficient service
Speedy Jet Plumbers offer on-site pipe freezing for all types of domestic hot and cold water plumbing.
Pipe freezing is ideal for situations where drain down, ie emptying the system of water, are not desirable, such as a central heating system that has expensive anti-corrosion agents, inhibitors, glycol etc added or when the system is large.
For Pipe Freezing Repair Services
Call us on 0203 633 2424